Scan Management Menu

Added in version 1.12.0; Revised in versions 2.4.1 and 2.6.2

Add or Cancel a Recursive Scan Interactively

Version 1.12.0 expanded the pause/resume functionality introduced in v1.4.0 by adding an interactive menu from which currently running recursive scans can be cancelled, without affecting the overall scan. Scans can still be paused indefinitely by pressing ENTER.

Version 2.4.1 expanded functionality even further with the ability to add a brand-new scan. Now that cancelling is no longer the only action available to users, the name has been updated to the Scan Management Menuβ„’.

Version 2.6.2 brought yet another capability: users can now add new filters to their current scan. Adding a new filter works the same as though you had specified --filter-* on the command-line.


Below is an example of the Scan Cancel Management Menuβ„’.



Using the menu is pretty simple: from a running scan, press ENTER to view the menu

Cancel a Scan

  • Choose a scan to cancel by entering cancel or c followed by its scan index (1)
    • more than one scan can be selected by using a comma-separated list of indexes and/or ranges (1-4,8,9-13 … etc)
  • Confirm selections, after which all non-cancelled scans will resume
    • To skip confirmation, simply add a -f somewhere in your input (3-5 -f)

Add a New Url for Scanning

  • Enter add or a followed by the new url you’d liked you add to the current scan queue

Add a New Response Filter

  • Enter new-filter or n, then the type of filter you’d like to add, and the value to pass to the filter itself.

Valid filter types:

  • status
  • lines
  • size
  • words
  • regex
  • similarity


  • n status 301 - equivalent to command-line option --filter-status 301
  • new-filter lines 1 - equivalent to command-line option --filter-lines 1
  • new-filter words 7 - equivalent to command-line option --filter-words 7
  • n regex token:[0-9a-zA-Z]+ - equivalent to command-line option --filter-regex 'token:[0-9a-zA-Z]+'
  • n similarity https://target.url/page/with/csrf-token - equivalent to command-line option --filter-similar-to https://target.url/page/with/csrf-token
  • new-filter size 1337 - equivalent to command-line option --filter-size 1337


Here is a short demonstration of the menu’s cancel and add capabilities. They’re shown on an older version of the menu, but the functionality has not changed for these two commands.


Another short demo, this time showcasing the menu’s new-filter and rm-filter commands.
