Filter by Status

Added in version 1.3.0 updated in 2.7.0

Filter Response by Status Code

Version 1.3.0 included an overhaul to the filtering system which will allow for a wide array of filters to be added with minimal effort. The first such filter is a Status Code Filter. As responses come back from the scanned server, each one is checked against a list of known filters and either displayed or not according to which filters are set.

./feroxbuster -u http://127.1 --filter-status 301

2.7.0 Update

The --filter-status behavior was updated in 2.7.0. --filter-status is now a deny-list for the values provided, while every other status code will be allowed through.

Old Behavior (1.3.0 - 2.6.4)

There used to be two points at which a status code was checked for filtering, and both could be used in the same run. These were the values provided to --filter-status and --status-codes or -C and -s for short.

When a response came back, all --filter-* options, including those passed to --filter-status, were checked to see if the response should be filtered out. If the response had a status code that matched a filter, it wouldn’t proceed beyond this point. That meant that values passed to --status-codes were never checked if a response was filtered out at this point in the process.

If a status code wasn’t explicitly filtered out, it moved along until it was checked against the values in --status-codes. If it wasn’t explicitly allowed, then it was effectively filtered out at this second gate.

New Behavior (2.7.0+)

As of 2.7.0, --filter-status and --status-codes are mutually exclusive options. This means in choosing one or the other, the one not chosen is ignored. They no longer work in tandem.

--status-codes works the same way it always has: by providing an allow-list for status codes. Any status code not included in --status-codes will be filtered out.

--filter-status, on the other hand, now operates wholly on its own. If a value is given to --filter-status, that status code will be filtered out, while all other status codes are allowed to proceed. This is a much truer version of a deny-list for status codes. It allows you to see ‘all other’ status code responses.
