Snap Install

Install via the feroxbuster Snap package

Install using snap

sudo snap install feroxbuster


The only gotcha here is that the snap package can only read wordlists from a few specific locations. There are a few possible solutions, of which two are shown below.

If the wordlist is on the same partition as your home directory, it can be hard-linked into ~/snap/feroxbuster/common

ln /path/to/the/wordlist ~/snap/feroxbuster/common
./feroxbuster -u http://localhost -w ~/snap/feroxbuster/common/wordlist

If the wordlist is on a separate partition, hard-linking won’t work. You’ll need to copy it into the snap directory.

cp /path/to/the/wordlist ~/snap/feroxbuster/common
./feroxbuster -u http://localhost -w ~/snap/feroxbuster/common/wordlist